Above: Elk antler rosette belt buckle with ivory inlay, brass bezel. The scrimshaw detail doesn't show well in this photo.

Above: Sterling silver belt buckle (my silverwork)

Above: Walrus tusk scene. Sorry about the photo quality.

Above: Elk antler rosette belt buckle, osprey scene on ivory inlay, brass bezel

Above: Matched set of walrus tusks

Duck on ivory inlay, elk antler rosette, brass bezel

Moose on ivory inlay, elk antler rosette, brass bezel

Elk on ivory inlay, elk antler rosette, silver bezel

Grizzly on mammoth ivory chunk. There's a rabint hiding below the log.

Quail on ivory inlay, elk antler rosette belt buckle.

Elk antler rosette belt buckles.

Hippo scene on hippo tooth.

Matched set of 24" walrus tusks.

Elk antler rosette belt buckle with silver bezel and trim.